The Loose Dozen
Fortemasso Barolo Castelletto 750ml
The nose is elegant, a bit gourmand and offers a fine fleshiness. This wine needs to be put in carafe. It reveals notes of very ripe fleshy strawberry, fleshy blackberry and small notes of blueberry combined with touches of violets, hints of black olive, cardamom and an imperceptible hint of Sichuan pepper (in the background) and Bourbon vanilla. The palate is fruity, well-balanced and offers minerality, a good definition, a mineral frame, a small freshness as well as precision. On the palate this wine expresses notes of ripe wild red berries and ripe wild raspberry combined with touches of cherry bigarreau, boysenberry, slight hints of blond tobacco, Zan, black olive as well as discreet hints of spice and an imperceptible hint of dried local vegetation. The finish is very discreetly tight. Tannins are a bit dry and structuring. Good length.