The Loose Dozen - Fine Wine & Spirits
La Sagrestana Sangiovese 750ml
Poletti La Sagrestana Sangiovese Superiore 2016 has a refined vinous bouquet, with a delicate and slight fragrance of vanilla. Dry to the palate, but very captivating, harmonic and slightly tannic with an aftertaste of almonds. Pairs well with first courses, grilled meat and cheeses
This product line owes its name to the first estate that Poletti family planted with vines, which was in fact known as “La Sagrestana”. The farm, located in a very favorable position, was planted with traditional, local varieties from the Romagna region such as Sangiovese. After starting with locally grown grapes such as Sangiovese, Chardonnay, Cabernet, Albana and Trebbiano, the range has expanded and now includes about 25 different wines from other major Italian wine growing regions