The Loose Dozen
Neolea Speciale Greek Sparkling Cuvee Rose 750ml
Neolea Cuvee Speciale Sparkling Wine
Take a 300 years old method, combine it with nearly forgotten Greek grape varieties and you get.. Something extraordinary. Something new.
For the first time they are combining champagne style luxury with the modern, minimal look and feel of Neolea.
Although Greek wines are often considered new world wines, it’s heritage tells a different story. Over the years many varieties were planted as Greek wine production evolved. Only in recent years cultivation is reaching back to its roots rediscovering unique ancient varieties such as Xinomavro, Assyrtiko and Limniona that are used for the Neolea wines.
Both Neolea cuvées are biodynamic wines. Nutrients are being put back into the soil by adding manures and herbal preparations to ensure we never deplete the soil’s fertility.
Located 650m above sea level at the Amyndeon plateau in the far North-west of Greece, the winery knows a semi continental climate. Cold winters and hot dry summers with cool nights give thier wines their expressive acidity.